Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Family and Memories of Family

My grandmother was an amazing woman. She and my grandfather helped raise me as my parents struggled through late adolescence and early adulthood having me, going to school, and working. She was diagnosed with an insanely aggressive brain tumor on Christmas Eve 2008 and passed away just months later. My grandfather keeps an amazing Caring Bridge journal, which I haven't read since she passed away. I'm easily susceptible to tears, and I'm already crying as I write this. I miss her and regret all of the days I didn't spend with her during my life. You really don't know what you have until it's gone.

My grandma was a compassionate woman who gave her time, energy and money to the local hospice organization in her home town. When she was in her final days hospice was there for her and my family and for that we are incredibly grateful. Last week there was a golf tournament (my grandma LOVED to golf), and fundraiser for the local hospice group and my family attended. A lot of people had a lot to say about her, and I can only hope that my life touches as many people in as positive a manner as hers did. My grandpa was able to say a few words to those at the dinner, and it was the first time I've seen him publicly address a room without breaking down himself since her passing. Maybe that's part of the healing process? Anyway. Point of all of this is simple. Love the people in your life and show them you do as much as you possibly can. Make a difference to others. Be caring and compassionate and give all that you have to make yourself and those you care about happy. These are the things that matter.

My absolutely adorable grandpa ^

Cousins. Such a funny, smart group of boys. ^

My cousin Kaitlyn and her boyfriend. She's the bees knees. ^

Elly ^ Hearts for this girl.

This is what it looks like when you run around a golf course with your cousins ^

My aunt Julie, my uncle Darren, and my Mom.

Being themselves. ^

Brother. Dad. Mom.

My Dad and I. I look especially greasy which I'm sure he loved. That's what happens when you don't sleep, fly home, and drive an hour to be with your family.

I look like a nerd in this photo, but my mom looks like a total babe so I'm going to post it. Those are motorcycle jackets for those who are wondering why my Dad and brother look like they're glowing.
So. Thank you for reading the above if you did. Hope you take it to heart.
Love you all.


Cody Girl said...

<3 Ashley <3 ::

Dus said...

Thanks for that Ashley! I kind of have a nice, serene feeling right now. You've never been afraid of putting your thoughts and feelings out there, and that warm feeling just seems to spread... I'm about to go play kickball with some drunk college friends right now, but I think I'm going to look at it in a slightly different light; it's hard to remember to truly enjoy the presence of all the good people around you and the small details while you're in the moment, but this was a nice reminder for me to take it all in while i can and live in the now. Thank you!

terese said...

You're a beauty! You will for sure get at the hearts of a great many people in your lifetime! Already are. Im sure your family is even lovelier than they look, and your grandmother is still working her magic from above!

Extreme Ash said...

Thanks for the comments guys, I'm glad that this had an impact. I totally agree Adam, it's easy to get caught up in it all and miss the good moments while they're happening. Hope you kicked ass in drunken kickball.

Thanks Terese - I fell insanely lucky to have the people I have in my're all seriously the best.

<3 you!