This is my roomate Tucker. ^^^ He's pretty amazing, and I'm lucky to have him in my life. Among other things, he takes photos and makes art. This is a recap of his show Best Summer Ever, which was a recap of sorts of Summer 2008 (Best Summer Ever [BSE]).

This is Tucker's mom Deborah ^^^. She is also amazing. She flew in from Florida to spend the weekend with him and go to the opening at Umber. That pretty much rules. She's also a really good cook.

This is art. Tucker printed off HUNDREDS of photos (with help from Jessica Helvey) to lay the foundation for the larger prints. I cannot tell you the number of times I heard people gasp, laugh, or groan with recollection when they were looking at these smaller prints.

This is the other wall with prints. It was really very beautiful and my crappy pictures don't do it really any justice.

Hosts with the most. That rhubarb pie was amazing (thanks Phil (not pictured)).

Large print of Cody Joan. You are SO terribly missed by all of us and we all want you to know it.
[Cody - this print is titled "But I'm Cody!" Do you remember that day?]

Janessa cracking up. She was really laughing this hard. What I love is that she's NOT laughing that hard at the large print of Peter (PBG) but at the print below of EC.

Rooftop parties from last summer. Shit didn't get out of control or weird. Ever.

Spotted this little girl right away in the evening and tried to snap a pic but she totally busted me. Then she started posing like crazy. --->

Her name is Neah and she was there with her Grandmother Mary. They live in Northeast, pretty near Tucker and I and right near the house Stacy, Bonni, Elijah and I used to live in. I talked to Mary for quite a while and let Neah play with my camera. The following photos were shot by her and I love them. Fun POV.

I found her to be quite adorable and Mary was lovely to talk with. She didn't care that I was drinking Hamm's from a Wizard Stick, didn't phase her in the slightest. She brought Neah to the State Fair on Sunday too - hope they had fun.
The show started at 8, and people started arriving even before that. By 11pm it was so crowded you couldn't really walk through the space or see the art. I think that's what we call a BOOYA.

Timmy made it! ^^^

So did the ever-lovely Nell ^^^

Of course Janessa was there! It's hard to believe that she's only been kicking it with us for a year. Special place in my heart girl.

Let the Wizard Sticks begin. ^^^

Yes, that is a Fanta at to start my stick. No, it doesn't really count. In my defence, I got to the gallery at 7:30 and I knew I'd be there til midnight. No need to rush. Also, I wanted people to get the idea that they were supposed to be making Wizard Sticks, I had to start somewhere.

Sam's mom came! She rules. ^^^ Also, she made that shirt for him. Awesome.

Lauren and Louisa. Never to be mistaken for biddies, always delights.

Janessa and I getting cozy.

Ryan Damian and Dana Ross. So glad Pizza made it.

Aaron and Ryan looking pro as fuck.

Abby and Laura. Darlings. ^^^

I think this was around 8:30, maybe 9...starting to get busier.

"100 beers". (and a bike, a light box, a broken fan, and maybe 9 skateboards). It costs $1,000. Serious inquiries only please.

People and art.

The hunter.

I have like 300 pics of Janessa from this night, what gives? (and Nell).

Erik and Ben!!! Two great dudes. I really hurt my arm jumping into a hug with Ben. It was cool.

Did anyone become a Wizard? I hope not.

Taping a Hoegaarden to the top of your Wizard Stick. Genius.

So typical. ^^^

Role reversal. ^^^

Krause and Ryan. ^^^
After we cleared Umber Studios out we headed over to Janessa's for a little after party. Thank you for being such a lovely host.

Bonfire. --->

Kyle and Bonni kicked it all night, which seriously, seriously ruled.

Blurry photos can be the best ^^^

that show ruled. that party ruled. tipping you over the bench ruled. that shirt my mom made me is great and so is my mom.
yeah. all of that ruled. except the bench part. but when I kicked your ass inside, that ruled.
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